La desesperanzathe short novels Taratuta and Corknacion muerta con cachimba and Donde van a morir los elefantes Prize for foreign literature: May Learn how and when to remove this template message. Coronacion: Jose Donoso:The main character is Elisita Grey de Abalos, the matron of the family, now old and suffering from something like Alzheimer.
On his deathbed, according to popular belief, he asked that they read him the poems of Altazor of Vicente Huidobro.Product details Paperback Publisher: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon.It is the contrast between the decadent life of the rich and the sordid affairs of the very poor. Write a customer review. In spite of her illness, Elisita turns out to be the most lucid and clear-minded of the whole set, being able to perceive the innermost emotions and intentions of those around her, even more clearly than they themselves.